Happy Anniversary TradeMark Express Blog!

On June 2, 2007 we celebrated our blog's 1 year anniversary!
Blog, we've had a roller coaster of a ride but have persevered through it all. Here's to many more years of talking trademarks. *clinks internet glasses*
One of the reasons I missed the actual anniversary date is that we've been busy bees over at TradeMark Express. While our blog's a mere baby, TradeMark Express has been getting trademarks for our clients since 1992.
Keeping up during our busy times can be daunting but this blog is an important facet of what we offer to clients. The actual work is paramount, of course, but making sure clients feel as well informed as possible is so important. It's one thing to help clients get their trademarks; it's a completely better thing to help our clients get their trademarks AND to share our knowledge of what's what.
To commemorate our blog's anniversary, I'd like to offer our readers a $100 discount on our trademark package. Let's celebrate all month long, shall we? Just make sure you mention the blog when ordering. Offer good until Sunday, June 30, 2007.
Happy One Year!
* re-posting discount offer every day during the month of June
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