How to Choose a Business Name:
Part Three – Know Your Message/Personality
Welcome to part 3 of a 4 part series about how to choose a business name.
Here's the schedule:
• 3/12: Know Your Industry
• 3/19: Know Your Customers
• 3/26: Know Your Message/Personality
• 4/2: Know if the Name is Available

Remember the good old days in school when you'd use a definition to start a paper? Well, the tried and true is that for a good reason.
Message: "a communication containing some information, news, advice, request, or the like, sent by messenger, radio, telephone, or other means"
Personality: something apprehended as reflective of or analogous to a distinctive human personality, as the atmosphere of a place or thing"
So, in creating a business name, you need to know the personality of your business as well as the message you want to send to your customers. Understanding these two facets of your business will aid you in your selection of a name.
How do I know what my message or personality is?
While there are going to be several aspects of your business that could be described as The Message or The Personality, there is likely one type of each that is going to stand out. Let's look at some examples to illustrate this:
• Product: Clothing line - Will the line be sporty? Sophisticated? Funky? The type of clothing you intend to sell will determine the message & personality. If, for instance, your line is a modernization of vintage wear, then a name like High Tech Clothing might not fit The Message just as Dowdy Duds is not likely to fit The Personality.
• Service: Delivery services - What are you delivering? Who are you delivering it to? Regardless of the types of goods that are being delivered, names like Super Slow Shipments is not The Message you want to communicate.
Brainstorm about The Message and The Personality of your business. Write the first adjectives that come to mind when you think about what it is you want to convey to your customers. Having this list will aid you in your selection of a business name.
TradeMark Express Blog Schedule
The Importance of Creative Naming
Trademark Information
choosing a business name * business name * choosing a company name * company name
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